Does Your Estate Plan Include a Custom Casket? - Blog

Does Your Estate Plan Include a Custom Casket?

Deer antlers, sports mascots, photographs, music . . . all features found in the growing number of customized caskets, according to a recent article in the Wall Street JournalPerhaps this article will inspire you. Unfortunately, any reminder of mortality leads many people to avoid estate planning altogether.  That's why Bergstrom Attorneys have two important messages.

First, an estate plan should be designed as much to protect you in your life time as it is designed to handle the inheritance you leave at the end of your life. 

Second, an estate plan is equally relevant to everyone, regardless of age, health, or wealth.

Whether you're rich or poor, young or old, you should have durable power of attorney and an advance medical directive, in which you appoint your loved ones as your agents. Without these documents, your family or friends would have great difficulty coming to your aid in an emergency, especially if you're incapacitated or unavailable to handle your own affairs.

Similarly, your last will and testament would appoint the personal representative of your estate and guardian of your children. If you fail to make these decisions in your will, a court of law will decide for you. 

Additionally, a trust can appoint a trustee to protect your assets to support you, and later your trust could enable your beneficiaries to inherit without probate court proceedings. Your trust can also include a provision to create a new trust to hold assets for a beneficiary until he or she is old enough to manage the assets inherited through your trust. 

Make no mistake about it, estate planning is for the living as much as it is for the departed. We hope everyone finds what will inspire them to create their own estate plan. Whether it's a custom casket like the ones described in the Wall Street Journal article, or the desire to have an emergency plan in place in case you're injured or ill, Bergstrom Attorneys are ready to address your concerns in goals in your estate plan. Contact us to learn more about our services. 

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